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Choose Your Battles: Lucy Porter Have you ever wished you’d told that awful boss where to stick that lousy job? Dumped an ex before they dumped you? Not backed down when that b*%@&d nicked your parking space? Life is full of arguments we wish we'd had, or wish we'd won, but it's also common to regret confrontation.
As someone with a lifelong fear of making a scene, Lucy Porter has always erred on the side of caution when it comes to conflict. When she was a single, self-employed, stand-up comedian, it was never that much of a problem as she spent 99% of her time alone. Now that Lucy's a wife, mother and pillar of the local community, she is finding it a lot tougher. In marriage guidance and parenting manuals, the received wisdom is that you should choose your battles and not sweat the small stuff, but how do you know when to stand your ground?
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