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About this Event
Fair and gardens: £3.00 in aid of the National Garden Scheme (NGS)
We are really thrilled to be part of Rob and Jackie Potterton's NGS opening in 2018 with a great plant fair: our only one in Lincolnshire!
Rob Potterton is a stalwart of our plant fairs and we are really looking forward to visiting him at home and getting to see to where all those lovely alpines are grown and also getting the chance to share Rob and Jackie's beautiful garden for the day
Rob and Jackie's large garden contains many planting features including alpine rockeries with pool, stream and waterfall, raised beds, troughs, tufa stone bed, crevice garden, woodland and peat beds. All extensively planted with hundreds of varieties of alpines, bulbs and woodland or shade loving plants, providing lots of colour and interest all year round but will be at their peak in late May.
Visitors are welcome to explore the garden and can join one of the nursery tours that will be conducted throughout the day (these will be run approximately every hour).
Expert help or advice is freely available from the nursery's experienced team.
You could also see a wealth of wildlife including Woodpecker, Treecreeper, Nuthatch, Warblers, House Martin and Buzzard and also lots of butterflies and dragonflies; the garden has even had visits from a Kingfisher.
There will be cream teas and light refreshments served in the garden with both covered and open air seating available.
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